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ShelterJH members share relevant articles with one another through our member group. Here are what our conversations have been about this month:

Announcing our Partnership Framework Initiative

We are working to create a formal coalition of local businesses, non-profits, and community groups to work together to address our housing emergency. This Partnership Framework project will bring stakeholders to the table and create an environment where we can create housing solutions without information silos or competing organizational interests.

This initiative is modeled after the Mountain Housing Council, a group that has been instrumental in recent housing wins in the Tahoe area. Thanks to the Storer Foundation for funding this initiative through their grant program!

473 Comment Letter: Kitchens

We wrote a letter about our support and lingering concerns about Ordinance 473. On October 18, the Town Council met to discuss updates to this ordinance. They passed the update repealing the word “family” from regulations unanimously and now the council will hear three readings of the new legislation before they enact the update. Please thank your Town Councilors for moving this update forward:

Board Member Recruitment

ShelterJH is currently recruiting new board members. We are looking for folks who are invested in advocating for homes for locals who need them most, represent a diverse demographic of those who are housing-insecure, and have time to dedicate to our mission. In an effort to support our board members and in order to ensure they are fully committed, we offer a monthly stipend. If you or someone you know might be a good fit for our board, please email Clare: