Thanks for coming to the Forum!

Thanks to everyone who made it to our forum last night! We are so glad to be a part of an engaged electorate and we are privileged to have the opportunity to help inform you. A recording will be available soon!

Don’t forget to also use our candidate questionnaires to learn about candidates. We will be releasing our endorsements on September 22, and early voting for the general election begins on September 23.

Did you miss the Teton County Library primary forums? You can check the recordings out here!


It is Old Bill’s giving season!

You may have noticed that we are not included in the list of non-profits — why? ShelterJH is a 501(c)4 non-profit (rather than a 501(c)3 non-profit). Our c4 status allows us to do important work in our community that other non-profits can’t — we can endorse candidates, educate our members about voting for pro-housing champions, and give our electeds the support they need to make pro-housing decisions. With over 500 members now, we have the power to impact elections, which is why we are so focused on empowering our members before November 8!

During this important giving season, we hope you’ll support Shelter JH. 

If you are already a member, THANK YOU, and please consider an additional one-time donation here to help us power through this election season.

Not a member yet? Our power is in our people — join today for as low as $20/year here.


The Special Purpose Excise Tax election will also be happening this fall. The Special Purpose Excise Tax (SPET) is an additional penny of sales tax collected in Teton County that goes towards voter-approved projects, and it is one way we can increase public funding for deed-restricted housing.

There are many different housing measures on the SPET ballot this year. Here’s the exciting news: ShelterJH will be leading a Political Action Committee called “Save the Middle Class PAC” to rally support for the community housing measure, which would provide $20,000,000 for deed-restricted housing. There are 5 different housing measures on the ballot. There are a lot of anti-housing voices spending money to defeat them, but with a strong campaign and your support, we will get these SPET measures passed! 

Remember, voters can vote yes for all SPET measures.

Stay tuned for more information!

Curious about the fairgrounds?

Are you curious about our stance on the fairgrounds? We have updated our website with information about the fairgrounds and the housing planned next to the Exhibit Hall. Take a look!

We support a collaborative process with the Fair Board and the many community members (i.e. 4H) who enjoy the fairgrounds to make a plan to move the Fairgrounds and then to build a significant amount of housing on the current site. Relocation could be a win-win-win: a win for fairgrounds users who have bigger and better facilities, locals who need homes in town, and for the community at large who would have access to a new events complex.

Make sure to educate yourself on these issues before heading to the polls this fall! As always, you can ask us questions at

Hot Topics in Housing

ShelterJH members share relevant media pieces with one another through our Google Group. Here are what our conversations have been about this month: