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ShelterJH members share relevant articles with one another through our member group. Here are what our conversations have been about this month:


In case you missed it, Opticos (the consultants the County hired to examine Northern South Park) just released their alternatives for developing NSP last week. Please take the time to look them over and leave your comments on the website portal here. NSP is a huge opportunity for our community and could provide tons of homes for locals if it’s developed responsibly. You can always comment that you want to see as many permanently deed-restricted homes for locals as possible, and that the prices should be linked to average incomes.


The Town and County staff are considering updates to our Housing Regulations that would include making DACA recipients eligible to own homes offered through the Affordable Housing Department. They met on July 12 (check out the staff report here). There is now a 45-day comment period until September 13. Weigh in now and let your representatives know that DACA recipients should be eligible for our public housing programs:

Everything is Fine Story Slam

It was so good to see you all at the Story Slam! A special thanks to those who bravely shared their stories about creepy landlords and fairy possums. If you missed it, check out our partner Act Now JH’s Instagram for the recording! Thanks for your support, and can’t wait to see you at our next event!⁠