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ShelterJH members share relevant articles with one another through our member group. I can’t wait until we can all get together in person and share ideas (in August at our Story Slam—see below!)! Until then, here are what our conversations have been about this month:

Story Slam: call for stories

Save the date for a Story Slam with our partners at Act Now JH: August 17 at Miller Park! The theme is: Everything is Not Fine: Stories of Collective Resistance. Now, we need to find storytellers. Do you have a challenging story about your housing experience in Jackson? A grassroots organizing success? A time when teamwork really did make the dream work? A story about the power of collective organizing? Reach out to us with your ideas!

We received our first grant!

We applied for a grant through the Social Justice Fund, which provides funding for different causes throughout the northwest—and I am thrilled to announce that we were selected! Check out the grant acceptance announcement here. Now we have the funding to hire a bilingual organizer to widen our audience. Do you know someone who wants to join the ShelterJH staff? Check out the job description here.


The Town and County staff are considering updates to our Housing Regulations that would include making DACA recipients eligible to own Affordable Housing Department homes. They met on July 12 (check out the staff report here). There is now a 45-day comment period until September 6. Weigh in now and let your representatives know that DACA recipients should be eligible for our public housing programs: