Election 2022

GREAT NEWS: 7/9 Shelter-endorsed or recommended candidates were elected on November 8! ⁠On top of those wins, ALL SPET MEASURES PASSED! This SPET ballot was the largest ever, and #12 sailed through—this measure will supply homes for locals regardless of where they work or if they retire. Voters showed that they care about housing locals locally.⁠

A special shoutout to all of the ShelterJH volunteers who phone banked for hours, canvassed in the cold, shared our voter guide, talked with their friends, and dragged folks to the polls. Building grassroots and political power is our mission, and we made a difference!

Thank you to our PAC donors!

The donors who supported the Save Our Middle Class PAC this election season also deserve a huge THANK YOU! ⁠Save Our Middle Class PAC was created to support SPET measure 12. ShelterJH board members, staff, and volunteers helped implement the plans for the PAC, and we are thrilled that this measure PASSED earlier this month!

SAVE THE DATE: ShelterJH Annual Meeting on 1/24

Please mark your calendars for ShelterJH’s annual meeting on Tuesday, January 24 at 6pm! We can’t wait to gather with our members in person to reflect on all that we accomplished in 2022 and what awaits for 2023. We’ll discuss new board members, report a financial update, and share calls to action for our most important upcoming goals. See you there!

Legacy Lodge

Fortunately, this month the County Commissioners voted 4-1 to approve a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow local workers to live in Legacy Lodge!⁠

We need housing for local workers, so we’re glad to see deed-restricted Workforce housing moving forward. The County Commissioners who supported this permit (Commissioners Macker, Propst, Barron, and Epstein) deserve recognition for going above and beyond to make this application as good as it is. We hope the owners will rent to workers at affordable rates even though it’s not required. ⁠While we are still a ways from moving locals into Legacy Lodge due to a pending lawsuit, this approval is an important step forward that should be celebrated.⁠

Hot Topics in Housing

ShelterJH members share relevant media pieces with one another through our Google Group. Here are what our conversations have been about this month: