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ShelterJH members share relevant articles with one another through our member group. I can’t wait until we can all get together in person and share ideas! Until then, here are what our virtual conversations have been about this month:

New NSP Website

There is a new interactive website for all things NSP here! The suburban development was approved by the County Commissioners, which means 84 free-market ($2 million+) homes will be developed there. Hopefully, they will be thoughtfully integrated into the entire area as the Neighborhood Plan progresses. Keep an eye on this website for upcoming ways to get involved!

Ordinance 473

Ordinance 473, which prohibits more than 3 unrelated people from living in a home together, is scheduled to be before the Town Council on April 19 (subject to change). We need to start preparing our public comment so we can testify virtually then! ShelterJH board member Ash Hermanowski was recently featured in Buckrail speaking about this initiative.

Wyoming Legislature: Real Estate Transfer Tax

Unfortunately, two real estate transfer tax (RETT) bills died during the latest state legislative session. Representatives Andy Schwartz and Andi Clifford each brought a RETT bill to the state. Clifford’s bill died immediately, and Schwartz’s bill died in committee by one vote. Establishing a RETT in Wyoming will be a long process (and has failed consistently at the state thus far in its multiple forms over multiple sessions), and we are committed to working with partners to make progress. 

Senate File 157

We’re following State Senate File 157 closely at the legislature in Cheyenne. This bill is one of many that has targeted local planning processes and decisions in Teton County throughout the last few legislative sessions. Jackson Hole News&Guide covered the spectacle recently. A huge thank you to our local staff members and officials for traveling to Cheyenne/testifying remotely against this troublesome bill. Unfortunately, this bill has passed both chambers ane now awaits Governor Gordon’s signature.