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ShelterJH members share relevant articles with one another through our member group. I can’t wait until we can all get together in person and share ideas! Until then, here are what our virtual conversations have been about this month:

Ordinance 473

Thanks to your hard work, the Town Councilors voted unanimously to repeal the definition of “family.” This decision is a HUGE WIN for us! We were concerned that the diversity of households in the valley could never be inclusively defined, so we are thrilled that the councilors voted accordingly. They also voted 4-1 to amend our land development regulations to include maximum occupancy requirements (i.e. 5 adults per bathroom, etc.). This vote is the beginning of a long process that must go through the Planning Commission and then three votes through the Council. There will be more opportunities to comment, so stay tuned!

Advocate for DACA Recipients

In July, the County Commission will be updating the county’s rules and regulations. One of the possible updates they could make is to enable DACA recipients to apply for deed-restricted housing through the Jackson/Teton County Affordable Housing Department. One of Shelter’s first wins back in 2017 was removing the citizenship question from rental applications. Now that the country has opened up Federal Housing Administration loans to DACA recipients, we need to make sure they also have access to local housing programs. Contact the Commission now:


The County Commissioners voted yet again – FOR THE 3rd TIME! Thoughts from you, our members, on why this continues to be a question? – to keep steering committee meetings open to the public. There were two steering committee meetings in April. Did you miss them? Check out the recordings here. We need to be consistently advocating for this plan to include as much permanently deed-restricted Affordable housing as possible. Email your commissioners: