August 2024

Save the date for our candidate forum on September 18!

We know that housing locals locally is of utmost importance to our community members—and we want to help educate you before you head to the polls on November 5! Please join us as we bring candidates for the Mayor of Jackson, Jackson Town Council, and the Teton County Commission together to learn about their priorities in a few weeks.

This forum, along with our questionnaires, personal interviews, voting records, and member input will inform our endorsements for the general election. We’ll see you soon—and send your idea for questions our way in the meantime.⁠

Spanish translation and food provided.

Show your support for the 90 Virginian Way project!

This month, the Town Council and County Commission met to discuss the 90 Virginian Way project. Even though we have been through a thorough planning process, some elected officials expressed doubt about maximizing the opportunity to house locals in this critical new neighborhood affordably.⁠

⁠WE NEED YOUR HELP to ensure that the 90 Virginian Way Project moves forward as planned. It’s crucial that we reach out to our Jackson Town Councilors and Teton County Commissioners to express our support. ⁠

Feel free to use the template below and add a personal sentence to make your message impactful:⁠



Dear local elected officials,⁠

I am writing to express my strong support for the 90 Virginian Way Project. This project is a crucial step in addressing our community’s housing crisis by providing affordable, stable housing for many locals. It is essential that we honor the process and maintain the planned density to ensure affordability for as many hardworking locals as possible. [housing is important to me because… insert personal sentence here!] Please continue to support this project and help us create a better future for all residents of Jackson.⁠

Thank you for your leadership.⁠


Our voices matter—let’s make sure our electeds follow through with their promises to support housing locals locally! Check out our comment letter here.

Let’s celebrate our election wins!

We made it through the primary election!⁠

First off, thanks to YOU, our dedicated members, who clearly made it to the polls to vote for the primary election. You phone banked, you knocked on doors, you spoke with your neighbors, and you voted. All four of the candidates we endorsed for the Town Council and County Commission contested races not only advanced to the general election, but they WON!

HUGE congratulations to ShelterJH-endorsed candidates who won their respective contested primary races: Kevin Regan, Devon Viehman, Natalia Macker, and Len Carlman.⁠

Hats off to Scott Anderson and Perri Stern who will be on the ballot for the general election in the fall. Finally, we salute Jim Rooks who has served our community on the Town Council for the last four years. We appreciate everyone’s hard work as an elected official and candidate. Public service isn’t easy, and we are grateful to have qualified, committed community members who step forward. THANK YOU!⁠

Now more than ever we know the power of our members and the movement we are building at ShelterJH. Onward!

Hot Topics in Housing

ShelterJH members share relevant media pieces with one another through our Google Group. Here are what our conversations have been about this month: