August 6, 2024

RE: Support for 90 Virginian Way

Dear Jackson Town Councilors and Teton County Commissioners,

I am writing to you on behalf of your constituents who were unable to attend the meeting on August 5 to discuss the 90 Virginian Way Project. As you know, the most vulnerable members of our community who are working multiple jobs, moving (again), and/or commuting are simply unable to attend midday meetings. During these deliberations, certain voices are heard disproportionately. Please accept the following comments written on behalf of the 600 local members ShelterJH represents.

We placed our trust in the rigorous RFP process to ensure a fair and transparent path forward. Since the purchase of 90 Virginian Way, funded by a SPET measure which passed overwhelmingly, countless community members have guided this project. We were enthusiastic that the RFP rewarded density, as land is precious in Teton County and we need to take full advantage of any opportunity to house locals locally. It is crucial that we honor this process and not allow it to be derailed by a small counterpoint of opposition.

We were disheartened by the misconception that small homes cannot serve as “forever homes.” This assumption fails to acknowledge the realities faced by many individuals and families. For those experiencing homelessness, eviction, or unsafe housing, the priority is finding stability and safety. Dismissing the viability of small homes overlooks the needs of a significant portion of our community and undermines efforts to provide secure, affordable housing for all. If we reduce the number of units in the Virginian Project, we risk making the remaining units prohibitively expensive. We cannot afford to replicate the mistakes of the West Kelly development, where insufficient housing supply (brought on by pressure from a small group of resistant neighbors) led to skyrocketing costs. Our community desperately needs affordable housing solutions, and this project is a vital step in that direction.

Furthermore, we feel that changing the expectations of the developer at this point in the process is less than fair. We have an opportunity to work with a proven affordable housing developer with a stellar reputation. Let’s make sure we are good partners, creating fruitful relationships with private developers and maintaining consistency with our expectations via the RFP.

During your campaigns, you all emphasized the importance of addressing the housing crisis in our community. Now is the time to demonstrate your commitment to that promise. By moving forward with the Virginian Project and supporting Pennrose as the developer, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact on the lives of many locals who are struggling to find affordable housing.

We urge you to stay the course and ensure that the Virginian Project proceeds as planned. Your leadership and dedication to this cause will make a lasting difference for the locals who comprise our cherished community fabric.

Clare Stumpf
On behalf of ShelterJH board members and membership